Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Cupcakes

Todd and I made these cupcakes for Easter. Todd made the cupcakes and frosting from scratch and I decorated them. I'm going to bring some to work on Monday to share with my coworkers.

These were really fun to make. We were inspired by the Bakerella blog. We didn't find this idea until Saturday, so the stores were really picked over and the little foil wrapped bunnies were nowhere to be found. We used the chocolate cupcake recipe posted at Bakerella and it is really yummy.


neverenoughrubberstamps said...

Hello Ria!

Those cupcakes look yummy!



Unknown said...

Hmmm, I wish i was there enjoying them 2! But I've gotten sooo fat lately, that my knees object to almost everything I hafta ask em to do :( CPR w/o good knees is a pain in every other joint!