Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eggstra Eggstra! Read All About It!

We have Chickens!  We built a Chicken Ark and we bought four Golden Comet hens.  They are my Golden Girls and I call them Sophie, Dotty, Blanche, and Rose.  They all look the same and I can't tell them apart, so I don't know who is who.  I have to rely on them to look at me when I say their name.  Sometimes I can tell who is who by their actions.  If one is strutting around like she's sexy, that one is Blanche.  One was clucking a lot today, so that must have been Rose telling St. Olaf stories.

Here are some pictures:
This is the first day we brought them home.  Don't worry, they have food and water.

This is the attic of the ark when it is opened.  There are two nest boxes and a roosting area.  Both long sides and small sides come off for easy access and cleaning.  Those long handles are for moving the ark around the yard (similar to a Chicken Tractor).

Our Frist Egg!  His name is Sheldon.

We are on our way to a dozen.  Actually, we've had over a dozen eggs produced to this date.  We've eaten some already.  They are delicious.

1 comment:

GLOANN said...

Love your chicken "ark." Are the chickens safe just running loose in your yard? I think it would be really neat to have some hens. I remember gathering eggs when I was a girl.